Swatara BC
2 & 3 Nov2024
FT Chairman Jim Reilly
FT Secretary A. Kenneth Engle
Open All Age Dogs 7 entries
Judges: Scott Miscevich & Annette Spallino
- House of Hounds Vision Lilyfield Betting on Blackjack
John and Suzanne Tirado
- CH Topsfield-Labrera Blues Clues of Vision
ClaudiaOrlandi, Gullermo Gonzalez,Sue Frischmznn
- Engle’s CK Garrett
Albert Engle, Cheryl Long
- Soundtrack When You Believe
Miriam & Michael Tefts
NBQ. CH Soundtrack Baker Street
Mariam & Michael Tefts
Champion Class (non-regular) 12 entries
Judges: John Tirado & Scott Miscevich
- GFC DC Houndarosa Tried And Ahro Milo MHE
Ben Marley & Samatha Fox
- DC Soundtrack Sorcerer’s Apprenitice MHE ROM
Miriam & Michael Tefts
- FC Soundtrack Pandora’s Box NJP NAP
Miriam& Michael Tefts
- FC HoH Virginia Gentleman of Fireside
Ellen Ripper, James and Melissa Phelps
NBQ. FC Branscombe Applecountry Of Fireside MHH
Ellen Ripper
Open All Age Bitches 8 entries
Judges: John Tirado & Albert K. Engle
- CK Joey
Cheryl Long
- Topsfield-Lebrera Vision Gucci
Claudia Orlandi , Guillermo Gonzales& Nancy Richmond
- Topsfield-Lebrera Mockingbird ofFox Mar
Claudia Orlandi & Guillermo Gonzales
- CK Pepper
Cheryl Long
NBQ. GCH Vision Topsfield-Lebrera Pillow Talk
Namcy Richmond, Claudia Orlandi &Guillermo Gonzales
© Susquehanna Basset Hound Club 2024